Monday, April 11, 2011

Things I Have Learned From Fictional Characters

It's Monday, so you know what that means. It's Things I Have Learned From Fictional Characters day! And today, I'd like to talk about something that I might not have learned from fictional characters necessarily, but it most definitely is a lesson that has been solidified by fictional characters.

The lesson? Nobody likes a complainer.

Whomp, whomp.
 It's actually not a bad thing to complain once in awhile. Complaining is good to get out of your system, but when it comes to talking to others, it's not the best trait to come out.

For instance, I'd like to recall a situation from back in high school. There was a friend of mine who was the nicest guy, and we had science class together. Yet if I ever ended up saying anything about how I was feeling... well, here's an example of how some of our conversations went:

Me: Eh, my head hurts today.
Friend: Well MY head hurts because I got hit by a CAR this weekend!

Jeezo! I was just stating a fact of how I felt, I wasn't looking for a competition. However, whenever I started talking to him, I somehow ended getting sucked into a battle of complaints. That's a battle that no one wins... even if you end up winning. Hooray, your life sucks more! Hooray indeed.

Being around complainers is extremely draining, and it's never a fun thing to hang around. This especially goes for blogs. I know that when I start writing out a blog that starts sounding extremely negative, I have to stop myself and look at what I've said. I know that I haven't always done well at not being Negative Nancy, but I try.

Try not to be a complainer, because if you are... Well, do you like hanging around complainers?

Is there someone in your life that is an extreme complainer? How do you deal with them?

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Debbie Downer! The episode she rocked with LiLo was like, pee your pants funny. I still snort just thinking about it :)
