Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Learning Random Facts and Psychology

Ya know those weeks that seem to just drag on forever? Well, I've felt like the week should have ended a few days ago, and it's only Tuesday. Ah well.

Having to do assignments on the computer is one of my least favorite things to do simply because I get so darn distracted. I actually like typed out assignments for the most part, but with the Internet... Goodness. With distractions, I'm always being led to new and interesting sites that I start to spend lengthy amounts of time on. My most recent addicting site? Cracked.
Cracked is filled with lists of interesting fact things, like 7 Basic Things You Won't Believe You're All Doing Wrong, or 5 Bizarre Ways Your Siblings Made You Who You Are. The site basically tells you a lot of crazy information that you would never have known before, some of which isn't very relevant to your everyday life. Pretty much the type of stuff I eat up. The one thing that I've noticed about said site is how it portrays itself. You see, it's aimed very much at the male population. I feel like this happens a lot. Another type of example is the show MANSWERS. The show once again gives you incredible, quirky information, but it's once again mainly for guys.
With this, I've got to ask: Why do they think girls don't want to know about these things too? I love knowing about terrifying creatures that could kill me without me knowing! (Might seem like a bad example, but it's actually extremely fascinating. And Rockfish are effing TERRIFYING.) I hate that because I'm the youngest child I'm less intelligent and going to die sooner, but it's still cool stuff to know!

Speaking of which, yes that is true. I've learned that my IQ is lower than my sister's IQ most likely just because I'm younger. I actually learned about this a few days prior in Psychology as well. Seriously, what a gip!

Well, I suppose there's nothing to do about having these sites aimed towards the male audience more than the female audience. I'll just have to sigh as they talk about their junk and boobs, and skip ahead to the other information about why certain actors became famous on accident.

Now it's time for finishing my Psychology homework... which I'm a little freaked out about, because I have no idea how she wants it done. She's explained it all, but I have no idea how she grades. Meh.

To the ladies out there: Do you frequent any sites that seem to be aimed more toward males? Why?

1 comment:

  1. I would say I rarely go to sites that are geared towards men, but I also think that it has to do with the fact that I wouldn't know where to start!
