Sunday, April 10, 2011

Repetitive Days, Reading and Writing

I'm getting an odd sense of deja vu, but I think that it's just because things have become so routine lately. I know that as humans go, we tend to dislike change. Yet, I can't help but get the feeling that life is simply getting quite repetitive.

Still, even with the repetitive vibe, homework has definitely been treating me differently than last term. Even though I have fewer credits than the last two terms, I've felt like I have so much to do! Are the readings longer? Does psychology become droll just because I'm not good with science, and the readings are very scientific? I honestly cannot say.

I have to read HOW many pages more?
 Homework usually means one or two things: Reading a lot or writing a lot. There are the exceptions of creating projects and such, but as far as most homework goes, it revolves around those two areas. I find reading and writing enjoyable most of the time, yet when it comes to homework it can get tiresome.

Still, I like to write. I like the feeling of words coming out onto the paper, and seeing a page filled with notes gives me a sense of pride. Maybe that's why I enjoy writing lists? Could be.
In the case of classes like Psychology, I have to write very fast. When I write quickly, it becomes doctor scribble.

My notes? Not so nice looking.
When I want things to look nice, I have to write very slowly. I am extremely envious of those who can write quickly and still have gorgeous notes.

On a last note, you see the word Sensory up there on that page of notes? I actually wrote that with my left hand, because I was having some soup with a spoon in my right hand. Multitasking, aw yeah.

Is your handwriting nice or is it doctor scribbles?

1 comment:

  1. I would say that my printing skills are 11/10, but when I get sleepy, they become completely illegible scribbles and I drop letters and entire words here and there.
