Saturday, April 9, 2011

Reasons for Health and Lack of Interaction

When we work towards being healthy or fit, we usually have to ask ourselves what we're doing it for. Are we trying to look good for an event we've been invited to, or maybe for a career? There are many reasons why people want to stay fit.
My reason? I feel better. When I'm in not so great of shape, I usually don't feel very good. I guess this is an obvious thing, but sometimes you realize that you never knew how good you felt until you weren't at that same level. It's like being sick. You don't realize how sweet it is to be healthy until you start the sniffling and coughing.
Why do I like to run? Because my body has shown me that I can.

Although eating a bunch of cookies tonight? Probably not on the right track to feeling fit. Still, they were delicious.

Nothing much to say for the day, simply 'cause it was a mostly do nothing day. Did some homework, lounged about... Although I almost went crazy from the lack of human interaction. There was no one around! And if they were around, they weren't looking to chat.

Also, thanks for all of the advice from yesterday! I guess I shouldn't let it worry me as long as I'm actually working hard, but I just do. Hearing rational thoughts from others helps.

Why do you like to stay healthy/fit?

1 comment:

  1. I so agree - I definitely like how much *better* my body feels. And it's so true - you don't even realize it until it has happened!
