Sunday, April 3, 2011

Homework Days and Fears

And the cycle of schooling continues, seeing as it is Sunday evening.

Hello everyone! How's life?

Today during the non-homework parts of the day, I've been thinking about one of my greatest fears. Most everyone has some type of basic fear whether it be the fear of death, or something like spiders. No one is fearless, and even if the appear to be, they're just good at hiding it.
I have a few fears here and there, but I have one fear that tops them all. It's a fear that I think about constantly, even when I don't know I am. My fear is the fear of looking foolish.
You may think it's strange. You may think it's perfectly reasonable. I've always had this fear though. When I say something that sounds dumb, I regret it for days, maybe even longer. I think it all comes from the underlying idea that I want to be respected. If I sound like an idiot, who will respect my ideas? Who will listen to me?
This may also affect how independent I want to be. I've gotten better with asking about things, but it tends to be because I don't want to turn in a final project that makes me look foolish either.

So, now that I've gotten up from the imaginary couch of the blog world, I'd like to ask what your fears are. Are they more mental fears or physical fears (like spiders)?

I'm all done for the day. Just been homeworkin' it up!

1 comment:

  1. I am SO scared of failing...or coming across as unlikeable. I don't even know where it comes from, but it can be paralyzing, really.
