Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Refresh, Studying, Professors and Daydreaming

I'd just like to take a moment to say let's skip over last night's post of venting and move on. Goodness, I don't even want to go back and read my 14-year old inner emo kid writing. I just needed to vent I suppose.

Today, I have just taken some time to chill out. I've also taken the time to avoid studying for my Public Speaking midterm to do some serious drawer organizing. Behold!

You may say, "So what, folding clothes?" To which I say, "No it's ART!"
Yes, they are lovely. But I have gotten on the studying, and hope to do well on my midterm tomorrow.

Teachers are an interesting breed. There are some teachers that many people love, while another group can't stand that teacher. There is one habit that some teachers have that I cannot stand, which one of my current professors possesses. The best way I can put it is she acts like I'm a puppy who happened to get bonked on the head. To that I say NO. If you want to challenge my intelligence, just flat out say it. Don't baby me. Some people may prefer that, but not me.

I want to do something theatre-y lately. I think since my Costume class is in the Auditorium, it's making me crave that type of thing.

As for careers, today I was thinking about how interesting it could be to be a personal assistant to a movie star. Of course, when I think about it I create basically a sitcom-y scenario with a kooky star. Then they have silly, fun adventures. ...I can pretend, right?

Well, I suppose I should study for my test more. Ta ta for now!

What type of teacher do you prefer?


  1. Heh heh--my drawers aren't half as organized as yours. =) Changes must take place soon in my closet . . .
    As for being a personal assistant, that sounds like a head ache inducing job to me (a la 'The Devil Wears Prada')--don't mean to burst your bubble though. Imagine away! =)

  2. There's nothing worse than the teacher that treats everyone like...PETS! I prefer teachers that treat you like equals - it's more fun to have discussion, you know?

  3. I love teachers who curse and aren't afraid to tell it like it is--the dirty ins and outs of their field, etc.

    I wanted to cheer when my editorial proff and my London university put a page from the Guardian on the projector, noticed the layout, and went "That's fucking hideous."

    Being a personal assistant would be fun! I have an eager-to-please personality. But I'm bad enough at managing my own life, so who knows?
