Sunday, January 23, 2011

Messy Buns, Room mate Interactions and Fashion Habits

Can I just say that I should not be allowed to write anything when distracted by outside sources? Agreed? Good. Now let's move on.

For the past two weeks, I have been rockin' the messy bun all of the time. All my girls out there with the long hair, seriously consider it.  The messy bun is the perfect mix of laziness yet looking put together. Plus, all of your hair is out of your way. Awesome. (Underneath it all, buns always kind of give me the dancer vibe, which I love.)

Hopefully I'm not leaning toward the crazy schizo dancer.
 One of the strangest occurrences since I have been at college has happened. My room mate CLEANED. Not just pushed a few things under her bed, no. She literally cleaned. It's almost a little terrifying that our dorm is so neat, but I'm not gonna complain. Hey, if this new guy in her life is going to get her to clean, he's good in my book.

There are times that the room mate ticks me off, and there are times that she's cool in my book. However, there was something that she did today that most definitely did not put her on my good side. The funny thing is, she didn't do anything to me. She did it to her parents.
So, the room mate's parents stopped by to drop some things off for her. She also happened to be trying to keep this new guy in her life a secret from her parents... Doesn't work well when there's flowers from him in the room, but I digress. The thing that just ticked me off was how rude she was to them. She snapped at everything they said, didn't say thank you for anything and... Ugh! Here are some examples of what I heard:
"Oh, who are those flowers from?"
"None of your BUSINESS."
"So what have you been up to."
"School and whatever."
"Here, we brought you these!"
"Yeah, cool. Did you get that other thing?"

Now, I get that sometimes parents can get on your nerves and all of that. But geez, they're the ones who birthed you! Treat them with respect! I love my mom, and even though she can get on my last nerve I still at least try to be polite. Plus, the more you keep from your parents, the less they will want to trust you. Maybe that's why my room mate is so paranoid. My mom may say that you should look for a guy that respects his mom, because then he'll respect you. I believe that could work for girls too. If they don't respect their parents, will they respect their friends?

I know that my family already doesn't like my room mate, and I try to defend her all of the time. Alas, my argument is slowly starting to falter.

On the fashion side of the world, the last few days I have not been wearing very much color. What is this madness!? Usually, I tend to wear a lot of color. If I'm wearing a lot of black, I throw in some bright pink tights or something. That's something I try to avoid a lot. Unfortunately, that's what I've been doing so much. I need colors, dangit!

Well, time to prepare for another week at school. Woo.
Do you treat your parents with respect? and What's your favorite fashion habit?

1 comment:

  1. I always get a little bit uncomfortable when people treat their parents poorly. I completely understand that I wasn't raised in that home and that I don't know what that relationship may have been like. That being said, I adore my parents and can't imagine treating them like that!
