Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Teachers, Considering Majors and a Lot of Work

Spanish has started to show me that this is going to be a busy term. Woowee.

Despite being a busy term due to Spanish homework every night, I think I'm gonna have some pretty cool classes this term. One of the ones was the costume class I mentioned yesterday, but my two new classes today seem quite interesting. I'm actually pretty excited for writing. It may be kind of hard, but the teacher seems pretty cool. One random thing I noticed is that his hair is screwed up big time. He did mention his barber didn't really understand the meaning of "take a little off the sides", but he needs to trim the baby mullet. Just sayin'.

Ouch. My bank account is crying right now, because there's not much left in there. I had to buy two more books today that weren't as much as my Spanish texts, but still managed to do some damage. I know that I earned money this summer for school but... geez, it hurts to see it disappear like that. Next year, I am seriously going to take advantage of the Internet for books.

Damn you Dos Mundos and your expensiveness!
 Because it's winter term, I've once again started seriously thinking about majors again. Right now, I'm not sure if I even want to stay here. There are so many pros and cons to this school, and both the pros and cons are big. And if I transfer, how will that affect my credits? My ability to travel abroad? That's why I'm starting to think about this again now. Now, I have a notebook (that I got for Christmas) dedicated to figuring out what I want to do and traveling abroad.

That's a pros and cons list of some majors. Yep.
 Yeah, I'm that intense. I thought that perhaps if I jot my ideas down, they may come clearer. I think next term I'm going to take simply classes that sound interesting to me. Yep. If they are required, that's cool but I just want to know what things I'll really like.

Other than homework, went on my first run back at campus again! I think it's official that treadmills are my enemy. I don't care how cold it is, running outside is the way to go.
Funny that even when I'm a bit messy in the room, my room mate still seems to top me in the messiness department. Makes me feel clean.

How do you organize your thoughts?

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