Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Birthday Lunch and Study Time

Do you ever have one of those days where you keep thinking it's one day, but it's actually a different day entirely? Today has been one of those days.
Last night I was in half dream/half awake mode, and I said something in a full sentence, then was really confused when I heard,
I opened my eyes, and my room mate is looking at me like I'm crazy. Yeah, I'd feel a little creeped out if someone across from me just said a bizarre sentence (I don't remember what I said) when you thought they were asleep.

I went to lunch with my aunt and grandma as I said yesterday. At first deep down I was worried that it was a pity thing (from the Seattle thing I mentioned?), but of course I overthought it. They took me out because they wouldn't be there for my birthday! How sweet are they? My grandma even made me specialty cupcakes! The are sitting in my microwave now, which seems a little weird but there's no where else to put them.

I did some studying in the library today. It was pretty legit. Look at my awesome little organized place:

Tonight I found out about a play thing happening in Salem. I was thinking, "All right, nice! I can get a play done for theatre class!" So one of my classmates, the brother of one of my hall mates, and I drove down to Salem to see it. Turns out, the ticket booth and the theatre are in two completely different places. What?! Oh well.

I sound like a boy going through puberty. Another time of lack of concentration, mainly because everyone in our hall is chilling in the common area, and I cannot think.

Where do you study the best?

1 comment:

  1. I talk in my sleep like a total maniac. My roommate last year used to talk on the phone with her boyfriend every morning and I used to answer all the questions she asked him... in my sleep. I study best in my room or the libs basically anywhere that I have my headphones in :)
