Sunday, October 10, 2010

Race for the Cure on 10/10/10

How fun is it that today was 10/10/10? That's pretty cool to me. There have been a lot of cool dates this year, including 9/02/10 and such. But enough about that!

I ran the very first Race for the Cure in Eugene today! It was a blast, even though the weather was awful. That's Oregon for you.
It was my mom, my cousin, a family friend and I who went together. We were all so miserably wet before it even started as you can see.

Not the most photogenic at times, but whatever. I ran with my cousin while the other two walked. We were doing pretty well, especially since my cousin was sore from basketball practice. We usually run the Portland one but couldn't this year since it was the day I moved in to college. We'll probably end up running both of them next year though.
Since it was the first year of the race, there weren't as many people as the Portland race. I still thought there was a decent amount.

Just look at that grey sky...
 Ali and I ended up running the race in about 29 minutes. Not too shabby! Usually the race takes us almost 10 minutes longer just because there's so many people in the other race.

Afterwards, we grabbed some goodies at some booths and heading back to the car until... I lost my phone. I was freaking out while Ali was telling me to chill. I did end up finding it though when someone returned it to the lost and found. I left it on the toliet roll thing in the bathrooms... Gross, I know. I was just glad I found it.

The rest of the day invovled drying off, coming back to Philomath, chilling there, and returning to campus in the evening. When I got back to my room, I knew it was time for my weekly weigh in. I was dreading it, but curious to see what the number would be, especially due to these factors:
  1. I ran a lot this week (for me).
  2. I've been doing Weight Training.
  3. It was you know what time.
  4. I've been eating a lot, and feeling slightly bigger.
My weight ended up being... 129 lbs! Yes! Now, you may be thinking, "But that's a pound heavier than last week!" You may have forgotten that I started out at 129. I don't mind being at 129. However, I feel I need to eat wiser this week. I've felt a little sluggish from what foods I've been putting into my body. This will be easier with that food from the farmer's market!

My mom started reading my blog, making her probably my first and only reader. (a little sad, I know.) So if you're reading this, hi mom!

On a last note, I ran into Danyon in the hall while on the way to brush my teeth. The more we've been talking the more we've realized we have a lot in common! It's fun having someone to talk to about random things.

I hope everyone has had a lovely 10/10/10!
Have you ever done something for a cause? What was the cause?

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