Monday, October 4, 2010

Learning to be social

I'm not sure if it was all of the Diet Pepsi I drank at the surprise party or my room mate making me get out of bed to let her in just as I was falling asleep, but I did not sleep well at all last night. Ick.

I know it's only a little bit into the school year, but I've been feeling really alone. I hate for this to be a downer post, but I'm feeling a bit down. I've been trying really hard to make friends, but I'm having the same thing happen that always happens to me where I feel like I don't really click with anyone right. Katelyn clicks so much better with Sabrina and Lehua than I do because they like things that I'm not into. And Danyon has her Wyoming friends that she's always with. Where do I fit in? I'm still looking into clubs, I'm trying so hard! But why is it so much harder for me? And yes, I know we should be the best us, but it's hard when people are doing what you want to be doing so much better.
That's the same with guys. Somehow when I try to talk to guys, there never want to talk to me but when Katelyn tries they are all into her. I try all of the tricks that everyone tells me, but it never works! Do I scare them off?

Ugh, this is depressing me more. (I could also be a bit down due to lack of sleep and you know what...) Let's end on a positive note! I'm going to go to Zumba club tonight, hopefully it will be fun!

How do you get to know people in a new situation? How do make friends?

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