Monday, November 15, 2010

Thankful for Myself Physically

As winter approaches, the motivation to actually acheive work is slowly fading away. Yes, I am keeping up. I'm actually ahead of my daily work, but there are bigger projects that I should be spending my time on. I have a costume project due in a week... I've worked on it, but it should be done. Anywho.

Lately I've been annoyed by my body. I feel like I look wider, though I know that I don't weigh more. Truthfully, I think that it's just there's now muscle in my stomach area, and I'm not used to it. So to discourage the negative thoughts I am doing something Thanksgiving-based a little early for the holiday. I'm giving thanks for my favorite body parts. (It could also be due to the fact that I can't think of what else to write about today, but let's ignore that.)

First and most importantly, I am extremely thankful for my legs. I love my legs a lot. A big reason is because well, I think they look fantastic but they are amazing for so many other reasons. They are able to move me, to help me be able to run, jump, dance. I will try to not take my legs for granted by sitting in the same position for hours at a time. I want to be able to use my legs as long as possible.

I am thankful for my arms. Not only have they become strong and in my opinion sexy, they help me with some of my favorite hobbies. Without my arms, I would not be able to draw, to play tennis, or to type. Perhaps I would be able to, but it would be a lot harder.

I am thankful for my eyes that let me see beauty in everyday life. I am thankful for my ability to hear stories, music, and little everyday noises that usually just go by unnoticed. I am thankful for my ability to smell delicious scents. I am thankful to be able to taste wonderful foods made with love.

Lastly, this may seem odd, but I'm thankful for my hair. I'm thankful that I was blessed with natural blond streaks, and that it is simple to maintain. I'm also thankful that it keeps my head warm and that I am able to actually have a full head of hair while others cannot.

It may seem silly, but sometimes it's good to just take a step back and look at all of the good things about yourself. We spend so much time looking at what's wrong with how we look, so why not let the downer side of our mind take a break?

I really have been feeling uninspired lately, but I'm hoping that will change soon... Winter, don't bring me down just yet!

What parts of yourself are you thankful for?

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