Sunday, November 14, 2010

Getting Distracted

Sunday night... Wasn't it just Friday? Ah well. Also, I can't believe how close it is to Thanksgiving already!

Sometimes, we intend to have a day that is completely dedicated to getting things of importance done. Sometimes, we can get distracted by something. For me, I am distracted by Hulu.

Before Hulu, I never really had shows that I watched on a regular basis. I would always miss one of the shows, so why bother catching up? Now, it gives me a chance to see a lot of shows that I would want to watch but couldn't. It's good when I can catch the last episode of Community. It's bad when I decide that it's necessary to snoop around for other clips and shows to watch.

Truthfully, I did get some work done today. Did some homework, got some laundry done, ran my 3 miles for the day. Could have it been more? Yes. I think it's time to step away from the screen and get stuff done.

How do you feel about Hulu? What's your biggest distraction?

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