Sunday, November 7, 2010

Concerts and Running Stores

I am tired. That's all I want to really say now because my brain can't function, but I shall explain my doings as of late.

The concert that I went to yesterday was Two Door Cinema Club, and it was a blast! The first band that played was kind of eh, the second band was fun, and when TDCC came on awesomenest ensued. Their music= catchy and fun. The only negative thing I have to say about the concert? People can be jerks at concerts. Just sayin'.

I ended up staying the night up in the area, and today I went shopping for running shoes! The reasoning? Randomly this week my mom texted me saying I should. Why? Because she started spending a lot of time on her feet and it made her think of how much running I've been doing. Truthfully, I should have changed my shoes a LONG time ago. I've been stubborn. I love my old shoes, and I've been used to them! However, I may have had them for... three years now. That's through two seasons of cross country, one summer of running camp, random increments of running through time, and my recent running. Last month alone I ran 65 miles. I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure that goes a tiny bit past the 300 miles mark of getting new shoes.

I decided to visit Road Runner Sports to get my gait figured out and all of that. It turns out (but doesn't really surprise me) that my left arch is really high, even higher than my right arch. Might be why it's been hurting lately? After looking at a few shoes, I ended up getting these beauts:

I thought I wouldn't be able to find a shoe I liked. I've tried, but everything has felt heavy or wrong. These felt good. It'll be interesting to try them out!

Being in the store seeing all of the fancy running toys made me want to work harder at having a runner persona! I think I need to work more on continuing my running before spending money on toys.

The rest of the day included watching my cousin play basketball at her school and driving home in terrible weather, in the dark, and a GPS leading me into the middle of no where. But as we can see, I am clearly alive.

Ah, getting this posted right before midnight! I better hurry!

How do you shop for running shoes?

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