Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Up and Down and The Comparison Game

All day I've been up and down. One minute I'm full of energy, the next I'm extremely tired. Huh.

Today we got our midterms back for English. I just have to say, I was estatic when I got it back... for the first few seconds I was anyways. Then the words heard around me made me look down upon myself. It's the comparison game. We all play it. No matter how hard we try, we are always comparing ourselves to others.
The thing is, I actually got an A on my midterm! I was so excited! It was when I saw that two people around me had gotten 100% including my study partner, I felt less thrilled. Why?! That's a great grade! However, just because it wasn't perfect like the other people, it didn't mean as much. UGH! I gotta stop doing that to myself.
Seriously though, I am really happy that I got an A. (Also, I got a B on my essay, so not too bad!)

I'm really quite excited for this weekend! So many things happening, so little time! Does it ever feel sometimes like there's nothing for awhile and then everything all at once? Ah, life.

Glee tonight! Woo! I hope that everyone has a lovely evening.

Do you compare yourself to others? How do you stop yourself?

1 comment:

  1. I'm terribly shameless when it comes to comparisons. Usually, for a dose of perspective, I have to look at how far I've come, rather than isolating the moment. Otherwise, it's basically impossible to get over the hump.
