Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Pedometers and Food Issues

For a second I thought it was Thursday... and that is not the case! I'm a bit glad, actually because I'm running 9 miles on Friday and I'm freaked out. It's only 2 miles more than I ran last Friday, but still! That's a huge number! Let's not think about that now, shall we?

For health class, we have started today wearing pedometers. These pedometers will stay on us for 2 weeks. It's a bit obnoxious, but what are you gonna do? They are extremely sensitive though, so I'm trying not to bounce around. Currently I've got 10,302 steps. Not too shabby!

Now let's change to a more serious subject partially because I have nothing else to write about today and also because I've been thinking about a lot recently. If you don't want to hear me blather on about stress and food, just skip over this, 'kay?
While creating a dietary analysis, I began noticing a pattern that deep down I knew I had been doing. Basically during the week I'd try to eat a lot fewer calories than I needed. By the time the weekend came around, I felt so deprivied that I ate pretty much whatever food was in front of me. You always read about people doing things like this and think, "How ridiculous are these people? Don't they realize what they are doing?" I do realize it, but I haven't wanted to admit it. I need to admit it. My biggest problem is that when I have a treat in front of me, I eat as much of it as possible. So many people have this problem. So much of my own family has this problem. Pretty much I need to learn to have a happy medium. It's easier said then done. Surprisingly, I did this quite well last Thanksgiving. I ate only until I was content, not overstuffed like the once stuffed turkey. I need to retrain my mind, and not worry as much.
I weighed 128.5 on Monday. See? The weight fluctuates. I'm a college student. It needs to be the least of my worries.

I hope you guys don't mind the wordy post from me. It's time for me now to get ahead in my studies! Have a lovely evening!

How do you deal with your food issues?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for posting on my blog! It led me to yours!

    Food issues are silly things. I honestly don't think it's a problem to eat a little less during the week and splurge on the weekends--if it's something you do naturally and (most important) don't feel deprived while doing it. If you're feeling deprived, that's the point you need to address. I mean, a meal out on Saturday night with friends is going to higher in calories than something you make yourself. Balancing it a little bit, naturally and without thinking, is an effortless way to have your cake and eat it too. But I think the important thing is not feeling deprived or "privileged" to pig out. Both are destructive mentalities. Anyway, just my thoughts!
