Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Good News and Hibernation Weather

You know how I've been talking about the feeling of hibernation creeping upon campus? Today was one of those days that it made you want to stay inside even more. This is why:
Icky. Oregon's winter is officially happening. I love my Oregon, but... mrr.

Today something extremely exciting happened. I was drying my hair when my phone started ringing. I suspected it was my mom because she's the only person who tends to actually use their phone as a phone. Alas, it was an unknown number. When I answered it, it was someone named Nick. He was putting on a One Act play and the director of Picnic told him to call me. Apparently she thought I was good enough to suggest to this guy to put me in his One Act. I asked about an audition and he just replied, "No audition, I'm just gonna trust her on this." How cool is that?! I seriously did not expect something like that to happen. I'm meeting with him on Friday. We'll see where this goes, but OH MY GOSH! Seriously!

In other news, I got a flu shot tonight. My arm is super sore. This better go away by Weight Training on Friday.
It's also the last day I'm wearing my pedometer. I'll kind of miss the little thing. A little.

Hmm, not enough steps for the day yet
Lastly, I also met with someone in the Career Development Center today. I just wanted some help on figuring out where my passions should take me in way of a major. Meeting up with her was a little bit like talking to a therapist about your problems. It's not really that I didn't know what I should do, but saying it out loud to someone else made the ideas seem more clear. It's good to get a lot of different views. Something she said at the very end of our meeting was, "I can't wait to see where you are in six years." That is pretty neat.

Now is the time that I must continue working on my costume project... or whatever else I get distracted by.

What was the last exciting news that you received?

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