Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sporatic Awakenings and A Look at the Dorm Room

Today is one of those days where it just seemed to rush by. I can't believe it's already Wednesday actually. As the writer of The Happiness Project puts it, "The days are long but the years are short." Ain't that the truth.

Last night I ended up waking up multiple times.  I have no idea why. Once during the night, I got out of bed, got all of my things out for breakfast, and wandered out into the hallway. It seemed strange that some people were out that usually aren't up at that time... Then I looked at my phone and discovered it was 1 AM. Goodness gracious. I didn't go out in the hall again, but I did wake up a few more times thinking it was time to get up.
I think this is my body telling me to just listen to my alarm clock...
I forgot my Student ID when getting lunch today. Felt pretty ridiculous. Luckily, my room mate was around and she bought my lunch for me. How nice! Now I owe her luhch.

Last midterm was today! YES. After that excruciating time, the day seemed to zip by. There were my other two classes, lunch, shower, quick assignment to finish, and then I ran some educational errands as I like to call them. Basically that means talking to professor-type figures about information, printing stuff off, etc.

After some dinner, I came back to the room and started cleaning. Honestly, I've become surprisingly clean at college. I clean my dorm a lot more than I ever cleaned my room at home. That brings us to a tour of my dorm! Aren't you excited?
Behold the typical Ackerman dorm! My room mate is on the left, I'm on the right. Here is a comparison of our cleanliness. My side:

And my room mate's side:

Now, it's true that I have a slight advantage here, seeing as I picked up a bit. However, the messiest I get are some clothes on the floor, some papers scattered on the desk. My side is off and on a bit cluttered. Her side has been like this since before classes even began. Her though process is this:
*Looks at side*
"I should really clean..."
*Goes on Facebook for 3 hours* (Seriously, how can you spend that long on Facebook? What is there to DO?)
Enough about her. Let's explore, shall we?
Here's my changing station. There's my clothes, some jewelry, and two bags full of cans. Because it was my great idea to collect cans for a deposit, they all reside on my side. Moving on!

This is my desk. What you see here are some papers, my books, my gummy multivites, and a ridiculous goose object. My room mate has this strange... habit I guess? She and my other friend like buying me gifts from the thrift store at home. They look for the most bizarre thing they can find. That goose was my birthday present this year.
 This is where the paint came off the wall from the wall attachment stuff the school suggested. Seriously, why suggest something that TAKES THE PAINT OFF? I think they just suggested it so they could charge us with damages.
 Here is the windowsill. This is where my shower things reside.

Welp, I hope you enjoyed that little tour! It's time for me to relax, especially since I have no homework due until Monday! Yes.
As a little parting gift, here's a look at what ny room mate's desk looks like:

There's more and more everyday. Goodness. Hope everyone has a lovely evening!

What does your living area look like? Are you messy or clean?

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