Friday, November 19, 2010

Potter, Registration and Facebook

It's Friday, and I am so tired. Also, it's only 10:30.

First of all, Harry Potter was SO GOOD. Ah man, it was probably the best in my opinion. Plus, it was also the closest to the book which is nice. The evening was fun before too, including HP themed food that my aunt and grandma made all day. I consumed a large chunk of it all.

I am all registered for classes next term! ...Except my Spanish class. The teacher told me that I would be able to just do it all online, but that is not the case. I just hope that it doesn't fill up before I can get her to sign the paper! 15 spots... Can't do anything until Monday... I have to believe!

The meeting with the one act guy happened today. He pretty much just explained that it was for his class and I told him times I'm avaliable for rehearsal. The other guy didn't end up showing up. How exciting!

My 10 mile run is tomorrow. I'm always nervous about my longer runs. This time it's because I've never done my long run on a Saturday even though they're usually scheduled then. Huh. I can do it though. I've already run that far! This time though, I've mapped out a new route. I wanted to print it out, but you have to pay to print it on mapmyrun! Not interested. I'll just write it out, take a copy with me, and hope for the best. I run with my phone anyways. Let's do it!

Facebook is getting to the point where almost every aunt of mine has a page. Pretty much it's gotten to the point to where if I ever have a notification, it's an aunt saying, "HANNAH you are soooooooo cute!!1!" ...This makes me wonder what the reason for Facebook is anymore other than a spirit booster I guess? Seriously, why are they all getting Facebooks?

I better get some sleep for tomorrow's run! Night!

Do you have awkward family members on Facebook?

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