Monday, November 1, 2010

Continuation of Midterms and Computer Addiction

It's almost time to go to bed, and I almost forgot a daily post! My goodness, I don't want my streak to end do I?

The first and easiest midterm of the week= completed! I feel like I did pretty well on it, even though there were some questions that were not worded nicely... Just sayin'. Two more midterms to go! English tomorrow... I can do it!

It's crazy how much of our world revolves around computers nowadays. We use them for school, entertainment, news, everything! However, if you're anything like me you have a hard time of actually getting anything done when on the computer. Whether it's facebook like everyone else in my generation or reading blogs like me, it can really suck away your time. That brings me to a little challenge for everyone out there: Turn the computer off. At least try to spend a little less time on it. I've noticed how much more I get done when it's turned off, even if it's little things. Last night I cleaned up a surprising amount of things up. When I studied and had my computer off, I ended up soaking up a lot. It's really beneficial!

Another thing that's on my mind is the lack of photos on my blog as of late. I need to remember to take pictures! The only thing stopping me is the lack of interesting scenery... I need to stop making excuses is what I need to do.

It's time for me to get away from the computer for tonight! Maybe do a little more review?

What is your computer obsession? Obsession in general?

1 comment:

  1. Good luck girl! Midterms are tough because they're usually all in a row (which sucks) and sometimes it's your first test of the year. I totally know what you mean about the computer! If I wasn't such a music addict I would turn mine off more often so instead I just turn of the ol' cellular device and it makes a huge difference.
