Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Obsession With Pumpkin

The week draws to a close, and the weekend approaches with much anticipation! Who else is pumped?

This morning during Individual Health Fitness, we did yoga. Around the blog world, Yoga seems to be one of the most incredible things ever created. That along with Whole Foods and oatmeal My verdict? Not my thing. Yes, there are some poses that are enjoyable to me such as the Warrior poses. Unfortunately, my workout mentality is that I want to be continuously doing something, so that time flies by. Yoga is definitely not that. Perhaps I should give it a chance, especially since I've been trying to incorporate some flexibility exercises into my life... We'll just see.

Upwards Dog, you hurt my back. Boo to you.
Since we're on the subject of workouts, today's run was the type of workout that I just wanted to get the 4 miles in as quickly as possible. My time? 35.3 minutes! Booyah! Plus I played a little tennis today. What a workout day!

It's been one of those days where I've been ravenous all day! (Gee, looking at what's written above, I wonder why...) I also have to write up a dietary analysis of what I've been eating. Isn't it always when you're at your worst that people end up watching what you do? It's one of the rules of the universe.

Autumn has come in full swing, seeing as it's already November. The leaves are falling, the days are cool, and holiday spirit is creeping into people. One of the favorite subjects on everyone's mind during this time are the fall treats that come around. The biggest fall food celebrity? That would be the pumpkin. People become OBSESSED with pumpkin everything.Pumpkin themed foods? It's on. Pumpkin flavored beverages at Starbucks? Mass hysteria. And how could you miss pumpkin pie? When Valsets first served pumpkin pie, I was informed multiple times with sheer excitement. All this talk of pumpkin may have you wondering, "Where is she going with this?" Well, it's simple. I'm not a fan of pumpkin.
GASP! Who isn't a fan of pumpkin?! Me, that's who. I just don't understand the hype. Perhaps it is such a big deal due to the fact that it's only available at certain times. It's a special treat that gives you good vibes. Maybe I just don't have that loving vibe. Or maybe I just haven't had the perfect pumpkin treat. Truthfully, I used to really like pumpkin pie. Now it's eh, even a little icky.
I just thought I would talk about this since there's so much love for the strange orange gourd. It's a bit overwhelming. Am I simply missing something big here?

I will never understand you pumpkin
Personally, I'd rather go for something that has cream cheese or chocolate.

This blog is feeling too middle-school journally for me, so I thought I would write something a little different. Honestly, I need to work on my writing skills anyways. I'll try to write about something different as much as possible, to give this blog a little variety!

Hope y'all have a lovely evening. I might actually *gasp* get some homework done early! Madness.

How do you feel about pumpkins? Do you have a favorite fall treat?

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