Friday, November 26, 2010

The Day After Thanksgiving

How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Also, did anyone participate in Black Friday shopping? Personally, I did not do some serious shopping, but I didn't know what to buy... I need to find out what I should get people for Christmas. Any who!

Lately I have become... stressed out. I have quite a few things due next week even though it's dead week, which worry me. That's not the only thing though.
In my English class, we've discussed that a tragic hero's greatest strength is their true weakness. Mine is my family. The thing is, I love my family. Sometimes, they drive me absolutely bonkers. I try to let it not stress me out so much, but I can't help it. When I try to say something, people will interject way before I have to finish a thought.There's no time to actually say what I'm thinking about.

Now, as you probably can tell, I'm talking about a specific instance. I was beginning to feel confident for my major. I  was feeling excited and like everything was starting to come together. I started to mention my ideas to everyone. Let's just say, not the best reactions. My uncle looked at me like I was a dumbass. I already know what my one cousin thinks. But the thing that my mom said just put me over the edge:

"Well, Communications is usually a major that you decided to pick when you've given up."

Yeah, really a fantastic feeling. I tried explaining why it was a good major, but no one would even let me talk. I can't stand it sometimes. No one really want to hear what you want to say, they just want to say their own opinions. Now I feel depressed about my major plans. I just want to have something solid in my life, you know? I'm so tired of people changing things, flaking out, all that jazz.

I get that yes, no one wants to read a blog entry that is just complaining but it's what is on my mind. It's also due to the face I'm feeling a little icky.

How do you guys deal with differences in family opinions?

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