Friday, December 17, 2010

Rules of The Universe

As I have gone through life, I have begun noticing many rules of the universe. These are things that are bound to happen. We don't know why, but they ALWAYS happen. One of my favorites is when you do something really awesome, no one actually see you do it. After you can't do it right, then everyone looks. Many of these rules of the universe are things that people used to like on Facebook all of the time.

Which brings us to today. You know how I mentioned my foot pain the other day? Well, it seems to be getting worse. That takes us to another rule of the universe I'd like to believe is true. Only when you start getting really good at something is when it starts working against you. My foot feels like it's deteriorating. I regret not having enough calcium in my diet now.

Once again I went out to a movie with my sister. Today we saw How Do You Know. Personally, I thought it was okay. The dialogue sounded real to me. My sister on the other side hated it. We both guessed what EW would rate it, and guess who guessed the exact rating? That's right, me. She was just angry that I declared my excellent skill when someone was saying an answer on Cash Cab. Seriously? It's Cash Cab.

I need the Christmas spirit! Also, I need to find out what's happening in town that no one's telling me about. Well, nothing could be happening, but if something interesting is happening, I want to know.

What's one of your rules of the universe?

1 comment:

  1. I don't know that I have a Universe rule, but I know that when I upped the protein in my diet, A TON of my running-related joint pain just disappeared into thin air. I'd recommend trying that?

    And actually, I do have a rule. If you don't check the reply-all field when you're sending an e-mail, it will ALWAYS go to an unintended recipient.
