Thursday, December 30, 2010

Avoiding Diary Syndrome and Celebrity Look Alikes

So close to the end of the break. At first I felt weird to be out of school, but now I don't want to go back! Well, I just don't want to have responsibility again. But whatever.

The biggest problem I've noticed with posting everyday is falling into diary mode. Some days, I simply cannot think of anything to write. I start writing pretty much daily goings ons. Usually, people don't care about details in a random person's life. Once in awhile is interesting, but the best blogs talk about other things. How do you think of creative other things to write?

Here's a random other thought on my mind. People love comparing others to celebrities. There's always the "You know you who look like? You look like *insert famous person here*" You know most everyone has had this happened to them.  Even famous people are compared to looking like other famous people. I like to be known as my own person, just because I'm narcissistic. However, when compared to a celebrity, I've been told I look like Alicia Silverstone. Yeah, the girl from Clueless.

Have a lovely evening everyone!
What celebrity have you been compared to?

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