Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Old Friends, Old Setbacks

My dad is watching The Proposal right now. I think it's safe to say that living in a house full of females for more than two decades has melted his masculinity. I wish I liked that movie more, but I just don't feel like Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds have enough time to actually form their relationship into love. Yes, this is me over thinking a movie.

Today I dined with two of my old friends for lunch. Being with them brought back feelings I wished I didn't have. Feelings of... inadequacy.

The weird thing is while I was talking I realized I've been doing some really great things. I did well for myself first term, I've been working hard at making my life into something special. Heck, I'm training for a half marathon! Yet in the presence of these friends, I feel unaccomplished. It could be their expressions, their tone of voice, the way they talk about their lives. Strange thing was, when I thought about it later I realized that only one of the friends was like this, and it was the one who I used to be closer to. She felt pretentious, really. The friend who was more distant before seemed interested, and made the conversation feel more equal.

What do we do about these friends? I've started to learn that I shouldn't hang out with people that make me feel like a lower life form. It's just strange because I've been close to this friend for a long time. Is it better to have a friend who makes you feel like a loser or to lose a friend that you've created many great memories with? It's a hard thing to decide.

I woke up at 11 today. That is the latest I have woken up in a freakin' long time. Wonder how much later I'll wake up this break. This might mess with my 8:00 am classes next term.

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