Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Errands, Eyes and Effort

Can you believe that it's already the 15th? I cannot. Christmas is coming closer and closer, which means gifts need to be bought. Luckily, I got most of my Christmas shopping done today! Lovely lovely.

This was simply an errand running day. I got my eyes checked out. Those tests always make me think my eyes are terrible, but then they tell me my eyes are in excellent condition. Huh. The eye exam also included getting my eyes dilated. Oof. Getting my eyes dilated messes with half my day because my sight is blurry, causing me to be dizzy.

Just found out my grades! I'm not sure if I'm pleased or slightly annoyed. For instance, I'm actually happy with the B that I received in English. I was worried that my grade in that class was going to be low. The one grade that I was annoyed with was my B+ in History. Yes, that may sound like that annoying kid in class, whining about why they got the score 96/100 instead of 99/100. However, I did EVERYTHING right! I participated in every class discussion, read every reading! For goodness sakes, I wrote for two hours straight for the final! The main point is I feel like I gave 100%, but got 85% back.

Not much to say today. I need to stop writing these entries with distractions, I can never actually comprehend what I'm writing.

How do you feel when you get your eyes dilated?

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