Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Day, A New Year

Welp. It's a new year. Time to restart, refresh, and go on slightly better than usual for at least a few days.

Can my new view on life start on the second? Because I definitely didn't detoxify from all of the junk from winter break today. Some places you go, and there simply isn't any healthy food. At least not that you know of, or it's not your type of healthy food.

Already went on a run for the new year, which was nice. I'm glad I didn't do my first run of the new year on a treadmill like I'd originally planned.
I tend to try to take meaning out of the things that happen on the first day of the new year. I know the little things don't matter, but I start to thinking that they do. Does spending it with family members mean I'm going to spend a lot of time with them this year? The opposite? Does a good first run of the year mean good running for the rest of the year? Who knows.

I know I already posted a few things to work on this year. The thing is, some of those goals were a bit short term, and resolutions are supposed to be about the long run right? Right. However, I don't think these are resolutions so much as goals. This is what I want to achieve this year:

  • Continue being a runner.
  • Earn enough money for studying abroad.
  • Stop picking at blackheads on my nose.
The last one sounds a little odd, but it's a horrible habit I have. Y'see, I have terrible blackheads on my nose, but I seem to be the only one who notices them. Granted, they just look like little black dots, but I hate them. However, I know my nose looks a lot worse when I scratch at those things. You would think this wouldn't take a lot of work, but for me it's tough.

I suppose I have one main goal for the whole year:

Live Well. Live well in the sense of health, in social life, in experiences. Simply, I'd like to live as well as possible.

Anywho, that's all from me for the eve. I best be workin' on that goal of getting back to a normal sleep schedule, eh?

Do you ever analyze the events on the first day of the new year for the whole year? Or is that just me? What did you do on the first day of the new year?

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