Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Exciting News Covered in Worry

You know how I've been constantly talking about studying abroad? Well, I guess that and running. Anyway...

I got into the program that I applied for. Hooray? Yes, of course, but there are things in the process that have made me nervous.

Truthfully, I was accepted on Monday into the program. I didn't tell anyone until Wednesday when I told my sister. I waited until Friday to tell my mom. Why have I been so hesitant to say so?
Of course for me, it's been because of finances.
I constantly worry about money, even if I shouldn't worry as much. And studying abroad takes a big chunk of money. Recently, I've had other reasons to think more about how I spend money. Those recent worries have made me reconsider if I should even go. I always worry, "Will I have enough?" Sure, I would most likely be able to get help from my parents. However, I'd like to get as little help as possible from my parents, simply because I hate to ask them for money. I feel guilty. They've already supported me so much, it would be unfair to ask them for help on a trip that I alone would go on.

Now, I've looked at it a bit more. More than my obsessive analysis of it before. It seems that I'll be able to pay for it myself, but there are a few details to work out including trying to get money other ways.

Therefore for February on, I'm going to work on spending as little as possible. On average, I've gone out for dinner 4-5 times a month for food. Now I'm going to allow myself to eat out once. Even fewer movies than usual, and I didn't even watch that many before. Keep searching for jobs, find other ways to earn cash. Every little bit counts.

The moment where I had a bit of a revelation came while I was talking to my sister the other day. I don't remember exactly what she said, but she said something along the lines of, "You should be thankful for the experience. You worked really hard to get the application together, and you should be excited about it."
She's right. I should be excited that I was accepted. I shouldn't let the worry of finances shadow the excitement of traveling abroad (though I still need to worry about it). Sometimes, I just need to calm the freak down.

That's that. If all goes according to plan, I'm studying abroad next fall in London. Yup. Besides, I'm getting more financial information emailed to me next week. I can start re-worrying about it then.

Have you ever learned exciting news that was blanketed by another fear?


  1. Congratulations, lady! That is SUCH exciting news! I've definitely let bigger things marinate for a few days. Just remember, this is definitely the easiest time for you to go enjoy Europe for a long(er) period of time. Will it be expensive? Yes. But I've never met anyone who regretted studying abroad.
