Monday, October 3, 2011

The Pace Makes the Runner?

What pace makes a runner different from a jogger? Apparently an eight minute mile pace does. Does that sound a bit ridiculous to you? Yeah, me too.

Today I received an email regarding the running club that I had signed up to get info about. I was excited, especially after all of the things I had heard about it. Pace didn't matter, a lot of people were there just to have fun. Within this email though, it said and I'm paraphrasing only slightly:
"We are a group of runners, not joggers. We would like to have those with an eight minute mile pace or less inquire only, because anyone slower will not have anyone to run with."

I definitely don't run an eight minute mile. Think a minute more, on a good day. I don't think of myself as a jogger, but according to this email, I am. So that's been on my mind for the day.

The chaos of school is finally starting to settle down it seems. I'm glad. Honestly, I've been up to a lot of stuff. (Strangely enough, it didn't feel like I was up to much today but I probably got a lot more done than usual.)

Let's start off with cooking. I'm working from being a lousy cook to slowly becoming a mediocre cook. Sure, I probably didn't cook my chicken right last week but at least it's been edible. I also made a frittata.

Seemed scary, but surprisingly simple. My spinach did wilt a little too much though. Ah well.

The next thing I've been up to is getting information about groups. You saw how well the running club thing went, but I'm also getting info about something I didn't think I'd ever try ever: Triathlon.
I know. I bitch and moan about biking, and I'm slower than drying paint. Still, I've been getting some encouragement to try it, and talking to one of the guys in the club made it seem like I could learn. He was just a runner himself at first, and he admitted he was still bad at it. Confidence booster? Perhaps.

Lastly is organization. I've finally got a single notebook for each subject. Sad, huh? My notes have been organized, my planner is looking especially plan-y, and my homework list is up. Basically, I'm finally getting my junk all together. I like that feeling.

Geez, I'm starting to sound more and more diary-like each day. We'll work on that. For now, I've got to make sure I actually know the information I need to for a quiz tomorrow.

Do you think speed makes the runner a runner? Why or why not?

1 comment:

  1. I think you make the transition from jogger to runner when you move for more than a half hour at a time. When you race. When you have to keep track of the mileage on your shoes.

    An 8:00 pace? That's offensive.
