Sunday, October 16, 2011

Drawn to the Warmth

I like where I live. I've always liked this state, but there's one thing that makes me wonder how I live well here.That thing is cold weather.

Sure, I know that it doesn't get anywhere near as cold here as it does in many Eastern states. Then again, you'd have to pay me a great deal to live over there for those nasty winters. But as soon as the cold rainy days start to come, you can find me next to a heater.

I love heaters. It's a problem. When it comes to heaters, I'm like a cat to sunlight, clinging to every bit of heat available.

When I lived at home, heating wasn't a big deal. When I lived in a dorm, heating wasn't a big deal. Now that I'm going to have to pay for it, it's kind of a big deal.

Before I moved into my apartment, I told myself I wasn't going to turn the heat on at all. That sucker was on in about a week.

I have a problem. A toasty, cozy problem.

Do you like being overly warm, or cold?

1 comment:

  1. I like feeling cozy, but I do crave cool air around my face. As long as I'm not breathing warm air, basically anything goes.
