Sunday, October 16, 2011

Life as a Duck: Getting Around

Don't you hate it when you hear someone getting in the shower just as you're getting ready to? And don't you hate it when you know the hot water only lasts for about ten minutes tops, so you have no idea how it's going to be when you get in? No, just me? Alright then. That's why I'm writing this now, instead of cleaning myself. Bleurgh.

I didn't write one of these last week, and now this thing is on Sunday? Will it ever have a permanent slot? I'm working on it. Anywho...

This might be Track Town USA, but there's not just runners here. There are bikes everywhere.
Bikes are probably the most popular mode of transportation in this town, and there are plenty of good reasons why. There are a lot of bike paths both on the roads and all around, so it's a great way to get around. Plus it's cheap and a good way to get exercise. Not paying for gas is a pretty big deal for most college kids, because they'd rather be spending it on... education. Let's say that.

As you know, I'm a little iffy when it comes to bikes. You know when you see people running and think, "Oh dear. I can walk that fast."? Think that, but on a bike. However, I've been hopping on my purple and silver ride quite a bit recently. (Good lord, is everything I own purple?)

I rode to Ross on Thursday, and decided it would be nice to ride over to my Aunt's house today to bake bread and study.
Now, when I bake bread, I use a baking stone. For homework, I needed to finish editing a paper on my laptop. I also thought it would be a good idea to do some laundry over there. Can you see where this is going?

That's how I rode over there. Sure it was only three miles, but with that... it's a challenge.
Luckily, I was able to get the laundry, stone, and bread back to my house without having to bike back with it. Still... I'm kind of an idiot for taking so much stuff in the first place.

On the ride back home, it became apparent how terrible at biking I am. What happened was I thought there was going to be an edge on the sidewalk, right? Well, I stopped. I stopped fine... and then I just fell over. I wasn't even moving, I just fell over. It didn't hurt because I wasn't moving, but it was just ridiculous. I just popped back on my bike and kept moving like nothing even happened. The whole scenario probably happened in twenty seconds. Geezus, I can't bike. Why am I considering signing up for tri?

Wasn't I talking about how students get around? Oh yeah. Other than biking, people walk a lot. And run. Sure, there's driving, but not much on campus because students walk everywhere. That includes in the streets. Therefore, it takes a car twenty minutes to get anywhere that takes five minutes to walk to. So walk.

As for the bread, I need to work on my baking time. This bread is undercooked, dangit! That's the second loaf I've underbaked. Surprisingly, it still tastes delicious. I'm still going to eat it, but I need to work on my baking time.

What sport are you ridiculously incompetent at?

1 comment:

  1. OMFG. That priceless of you actioning St. Nick-type arrangement with all of your possessions was hysterical! You are a far braver girl than I am for trying to attempt that on bike.
