Sunday, October 2, 2011


It's October. Geez.

I'm actually quite happy that it's October, because I love this month. And this year, this month is even better because
  1. It's my birthday on the 22nd! Woo!
  2. In one week, I run a marathon.
  3. It's Halloween!
Man, I wrote a lot before this, but my computer bugger out. Oh well. Anywho, back to the list.

Alright, most of those things happen every year, but I'm just really excited this year. Actually, I'm really excited about Halloween. The only problem is I have no idea what I'm going to be.

You see, I'm one of those people who think about what they want to be for Halloween all year. Unfortunately, I can never think of what to be all year. There are a lot of costume ideas out there yes, but I want to be original. And cute. Not an easy combo.

One of my favorite costume I've ever been was a headless person. Despite the cardboard digging into my shoulders, it was AWESOME. It was also in middle school. Not a cute one, but cool.

Like this, but less gruesome.
So, I'm hoping to come up with a creative, but cute costume. It's still a month away, but... time flies.

Do you have any idea what you're going to be for Halloween yet?

1 comment:

  1. I have no clue of what I'm going to do for Halloween yet. I'm just hoping that inspiration strikes soon that way if I need to DIY something I have enough time!
