Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Running Buddies, Dressing for the Weather and Rejection

Wasn't it just Monday night? I feel like that was just a couple of hours ago... geez.

Today I went on a run with my sister. This is the second time that I've gone running with my sister, and it's turning out to be quite a nice experience.

We've tried running together before this. It never turned out well. Sure, the runs would start out alright. Then, a critique would come out on running form. Soon, it would get to the point where we'd be bickering about pace, and how the other person was doing something wrong, and all of that good stuff. Yes, it's was a fun deal.

Lately, it's been pretty relaxed. It's been a nice change, because I'm so used to running by myself. Sometimes it gets lonely, you know?

In other things that are on my mind for the evening, the weather here has been ridiculous. Or obnoxious. You see, the morning start out cold, frozen-y and unpleasant. This means bundling up. However, it doesn't stay that way. You end up melting in the afternoon, wondering why on earth you thought it was a good idea to wear long sleeves. Oh right, because it was freezing that morning. Now, I'm definitely one for warm weather, but not when I'm ready for the big freeze clothing wise.

Lastly, applied for a position as an advertisement sales rep for the school paper earlier this week. Didn't get it. Ah, rejection. Truthfully, they probably thought I was too young, not wise enough, or some crap like that. Everyone else was a junior/senior, and they were all waaaaaaaaaaay business-y types. For instance, one guy gloated that he was the sole proprietor of a small business. ...Whatever.

Do you like to exercise by yourself, or with a friend?

1 comment:

  1. I'm such a solo artist when it comes to running that it's unreal. I did my long runs for my first half-marathon with a friend, but after that it was Kat-only time.
