Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Icky Weather and Odd Room Mate Habits

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks such a pace is ridiculous. Anywho, let's talk about today.

Good lord. There has been music playing really loudly for the past hour and a half. Is this for sorority? Those girls be crazy.

The rain has officially arrived here in Oregon. It's not like the sun didn't try to peak out from the clouds, it was successful for an hour or two. Alas, the sky has turned to grey and the rain has started to come down.

Rain can be nice, sure. That's why Oregon is so green, and can be quite a beautiful place. On the other hand, rain can usually be classified as mrr weather. Weather in which you don't want to do anything. You just want to snuggle in your covers and waste time.

Thankfully, I actually ended up getting a decent amount done. Almost caught up on all of my Journalism readings, printed out some things that needed to be printed, work done for tomorrow... and it's not even 8:30 yet! Man, I love that feeling.

Lastly, ever since I moved into this apartment the only place I spend my time in is my room. I have a couch in the living room, but never hang out in there. I moved the kitchen table into the kitchen, but I never eat there. I think it's mainly because it still smells weird around most of the apartment (excluding my room). Thankfully, it's slowly fading away. I think. I don't spend that much time out there. I'm hoping to move myself out there more often, because now my room is starting to give me the same feeling as a dorm... except bigger.

As for the room mates, they seem to be talking louder and louder. Lu is on edge all of the time, because whenever I pass by even with warning, she jumps. All she or Hao Chen ever says to me is "hi", "bye", or "thank you". And yes, I am trying to start up conversations. That's not working. And this is something that has happened a couple of times already:
I come home. I go to the kitchen, probably for some water or something. Lu scurries out of her room in her bathrobe (all she ever seems to wear if she doesn't have to go outside), and looks at Hao's door. I say "Hi", which she replies, "Oh, I thought it was him who was home", and then scurries back to her room to watch Friends.
She really likes Friends. I think Hao watches 24. They never turn on the lights in their rooms, I only see a bluish glow ever coming from their rooms. It's... a weird living situation.

I think that's enough rambling from me for tonight, time to either A)Work on more Homework or B)Waste time surfing the web. You know which one is probably going to happen.

How do you inspire yourself to get things done when all you want to do is be lazy because of the weather?

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