Monday, October 17, 2011

A Kind of Ridiculous Argument

A good deal of the left side of my upper body is sore. I wonder why....

Like most siblings, my sister and I get into arguments. Personally, I think we get into more arguments than other siblings, but who knows. What I do know is while some of our arguments have substantial points, there are some that start from something completely ridiculous.

Enter The Great Zombie Sticker Debate.

It all started the night before my race. I was staying the night at my aunt and uncle's condo. Knowing of my nerdy past perhaps, my uncle thought he would give me this sticker he got from work.

Clever right? I thought so. All was well in the universe until my sister got a look at it.

"What? I want that!" Chloe said. "Why would you get that, I'm more into zombies than you are."

And that's when the Great Zombie Debate began.

Now, it's not really about the sticker. The argument lies in who is more interested in zombies. My sister's argument is that she introduced me to the book World War Z (A great book by the way, even if you're not into zombies). I find that if that's her only argument, she has most definitely lost. Who has watched multiple zombie flicks? Me. Who went out as an undead tennis player for Halloween one year? You got it. However, she still thinks she wins the debate. I beg to differ.

Goodness, when did it become cool to like zombies? Oh right, The Walking Dead.

What's the most ridiculous argument you've ever had?

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