Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Visiting Clubs and Such

Tonight was the night of meetings for me, and tomorrow is the day of no classes. How lovely!

The first meeting of the night was the APO meeting. I think I said it before, but it's a co-ed fraternity based mainly on volunteer. I've decided that I'm going to pledge, and I went to the meeting tonight. The people seem really nice, and I'm hoping it's going to be fun.

The other meeting of the night was for the University Film Organization. I found this particular little group by going through a list of all of the organizations here on campus, and it caught my eye. I'm so glad it did.

One thing you may not know about UofO is that this is one of the few schools that has a Cinema Studies program in the west coast. It's still forming, but it's a pretty big deal that it actually exists. Needless to say, most of the people at the meeting were of the Cinema Studies major. Slightly intimidating, but what can you do.

For this particular club, I didn't know anyone involved. I simply emailed the organization, found out what time the meeting was, and went. I sat next to a guy who was a Cinema Studies major and hoping to be a screenwriter. My taste in television were complimented. That always brings my ego up. Anywho, soon the meeting began.

Then I found out what the University Film Organization does.

They make movies.

How cool is that? I got really excited, and the more details I heard, the more interesting it became. For instance, a trip might be happening up to the studio where they made the movie Coraline. If you've ever seen that movie, you know that the sets they made were incredible (Cherry blossoms made out of popcorn, and yet looks amazing? What?).

Even if you don't like claymation movies, you have to admit the sets were incredible.
So yeah. That's that. I'm hoping the stuff I've learned from Broadcast Media in high school can sort of help me, but they said that they can help us learn. Awesome.

Other than that, my only class for Thursday was cancelled. That means... working on a paper and EB due on Friday. Oh, homework. Still, a whole day? That's nice.

What's the last thing you went to without knowing anything about it? Was it good or bad?

1 comment:

  1. Ohmigoodness, I can't remember the last time I've been on an escapade like that. But what a fun surprise - it can be really nice to surround yourself with friends that are so different from you. And, I'm pretty sure everyone loves to be complimented on their taste in TV. You are not alone!
