Monday, June 20, 2011

The Thing About Monte Carlo

Well I had my first class of the summer today. So it begins.

There's been something that has been bothering me for quite some time now. This little thing that's been bothering me started as soon as I saw this preview:

"But Hannah," you ask, "Why on earth would this bother you so much? It's just a preview for a cheesy movie."

True, it does look like a cheesy movie. THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN MADE.

Did anyone else out there ever watch The Lizzie McGuire Movie? If so, you were one of the people who got deja vu when watching this preview.

Of course they re-create movies all of the time. It's just... that's part of my childhood. I have a distinct memory of watching that movie in the basement of my cousins' Ohio house over and over again. Actually, just this part:

And that really is the biggest reason that this new movie cannot top it.
Plus, I've never been the biggest fan of Selena Gomez. She seems... uppity.

That's seriously all I've got for this evening. Hope everyone has a lovely day!

Did you watch The Lizzie McGuire Movie? What are your thoughts on this new movie?

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