Thursday, June 30, 2011

Bizarre Toe Issues and Phone Drama

Recently my middle toe had been bothering me. I had no clue just why it hurt so bad, but it felt like it was bruised. Studying that toe, I didn't see anything that looked wrong, just rough skin. Then, after a closer look, a though occurred: Was there a blister under my toenail?

The answer? Yes.

I think I've disgusted you all enough by discussing the fact that yes, underneath my toenail, so I don't think you need to see prove. 3/4ths of the area underneath the nail is blister. Just thought you needed to know that extra little tidbit.

I thought that the delightful information about my toenail would be all that I had to offer tonight, but life decided to slap me in the face with more fun experiences. That aren't so fun.
Earlier today, I went to the restroom, walked to my car, and looked into my purse to find something was not there. The pink rubbery case was nowhere in sight, so I dashed back to the bathroom, not even five minutes after I had left. Can you see where this is going?
Yep, my phone was stolen. Or might be missing. But probably stolen.
My frantic search in my car was followed by a complete breakdown crouching under the steering wheel. It wasn't the fact that I'd need a new phone that freaked me out. Of course, that's a factor. The thing that instantly went to mind was I'd done another thing wrong. How I had failed again. You see how this is a reoccurring fear?
I try so hard to be responsible, to remember things. But time and time again I keep on screwing up. Over and over again, making dumb mistakes. Does this mean I'm destined to be in a depressingly mundane and idiotic job, just because it's all I can handle? God I hope not.
So after my cry (or more like sobfest), I reported it missing to public safety, the building I was in, and realized there was nothing else I could do about it. Geez, I couldn't even do that right, because I was waiting until I could talk to my mom to see about canceling it, but she said I should have already done it. I thought it would be smart to wait to talk to her. Apparently not. Just another notch in the crappy feeling post.
I wish I had something more positive to say, but that's what going on in my life. So it is what appears here. May tomorrow be better.
Back to the toe thing, What's the weirdest way exercise has affected your body?

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