Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Leaving Early, Coming Back Late

Left the house at 7:45 AM. Returned home at 9:30 PM. Yeah, it's been one of those days.

One of the reasons I didn't make it home until so late was because my mom and I visited a family member in the hospital. He had surgery on his back which has been giving him problems for a long time.
When we got to the hospital, we saw my cousin (his wife) with tears welling up in her eyes. Before, I hadn't really been too freaked out about his surgery (don't worry, it went fine. It was just really long.), but when I saw her face like that, I was spooked. It wasn't really because she was teary, but because she's the family member I've always seen be strong. She's always been tough. I know it's just because she was worried and stressed, but when you see someone you've always known as tough at a weak moment... It's scary.

Brain fried, and it all starts again tomorrow. Woo.

Who's one of the toughest people in your life? Have you ever seen them at a weak moment?

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