Saturday, June 18, 2011

Long Run Days and High School Friends

Can I just say I'm sore? Because my rear hurts, and my legs are plain sore. I guess that's what 15 miles does to ya.

I'm going to talk about events that occurred yesterday, because pretty much all I did today was either get ready to run, run, or slowly crawl out of running mode. Also eating. I'm probably going to gain weight, because I've had the craziest appetite. My dad need to stop buying PB Crunch, because I will devour it all.

Anywho, yesterday I ended up hanging out with two of my close high school friends, one of them being my room mate this year. As we wandered around town and watched goofy online videos, I noticed that they really hadn't changed. Or, it didn't feel like it. They may have not changed, but I feel so much more different. Sure, we laugh at a lot of the same things but when it comes to personalities, it feels like they don't fit together quite right. Similar to cogs that are out of sync. I know that it's good to have friends with different personalities than yourself, and I love my friends. However there's something that feels weird about it. We don't seem to want any of the same things in the future. I've always known that we've been different, but I guess I never realized how radically different.

Geez, do I talk enough about being different from high school? Apparently not. Still, that's all I've got for the evening. I hope everyone has a lovely one!

Are you still similar to your high school friends? Or are you very different?

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