Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New Shoes Test, Going Outside and Attack of the Hair

I tried out my new running shoes today. I wanted to really like them. But I didn't. I felt like a horse clopping along. What are the rules to returning shoes? I've got 90 days, but I ran quite a bit in them. I had to get my run in! Guh, I dunno.

The other day, something that seems very depressing to me happened. No, not like a death or something like that. Just... let me explain. I had past my dad who had just woken up from falling asleep in front of the television. As I passed by I heard him say, "Wow, it's pretty hot out there today, isn't it?"

I paused. He had just woken up from a nap, he hadn't been outside. "Dad," I asked. "Have you been outside at all today?"

"Hm. I guess not. I just saw it say something on the weather channel."

Pictured: What nature feels like from the comfort of your home.
That? That depresses me. I know my dad is kind of a vampire (he burns to a crisp), but to spend the entire day in front of a TV, dozing off every few hours? What kind of life is that? Sure, he's an old man but that's just sad. Life was meant to be lived! At least step outside for a couple of minutes.

From that point, I made a little resolution for myself. Never spend an entire day indoors during a beautiful day. Why waste what nature has to offer? If I have a book, I'll read it outside. Maybe it'll inspire me to actually do more activities while outside. I just don't want to spend my live inside forever, wishing I could have spend more time in the sun.

In other news, my hair is getting ridiculous. If I don't push it to the side, I'm blinded by a sea of golden brown strands.

Sadly, this is the picture that looked the least like the girl from The Ring.
 I suppose it's good for covering the ever-growing brows. I just need to make a hair appointment.

What personal maintenance have you put off? Made any mini resolutions recently?

1 comment:

  1. Return them immediately. The only lukewarm pair I've ever kept were ones that I won from a running store. They fit me but they were just too heavy! I spent three months just DYING for new shoes!
