Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sweets and Strength Training

You know those people who always talk about what food they should be eating, or what they should be doing. Every little thing that passes by their mouth needs to have a comment included. No one likes that person.

...but tonight, that's going to be me. Sort of.

For the most part, I eat a pretty good diet. I make sure to eat my fruits and veggies, I eat wheat instead off white. It's not like I'm eating those weird veggies that apparently are what keep Superman alive, but still it's decent. There is one part of my diet that is terrible, and that is sugar. As in, I eat way too much of it.

I just love sweets. Supposedly, sweets are making a comeback. I've been seeing a lot of magazines articles supporting the consumption of sweets. After the onslaught of sweets being the worst thing in the world, apparently it's okay to have a little. I have to say, I was in on this trend before sweets became a thing again. I'm losing track of what I'm talking about, so I'll just say that they do say a little bit of sweet is good, but in moderation.

I have the problem where I just can't stop. When I get sweets, I have a hard time controlling how many I eat. That? That needs to change, because well... I'm heavier than when I started college. Sure, it's only a couple of pounds, but that could slowly creep up. Plus, I need to learn a little something about control. One dessert (or sweet thing) a day! It's not just for my current health, but it's for my health in the future.

Which brings me to point number two. Strength Training, or, the more open ended exercise other than running. After taking today off from running as well (guh), I came to the realization that other than running for exercise, in the words of Prince Naveen, "I don't really know how to do anything." Yeah, I watched The Princess and The Frog at my cousin's house again. Gosh that movie is cute. What was I saying? Oh yes.

Sure, I know how to do other exercises but in my mind it seems like it takes so much brain power to create a regiment. Yes I know how stupid that sounds. With running, it's easy to make up a schedule. Heck, I already have an idea for what my running schedule will be after the marathon! With anything else, it seems so complicated. The real reason for someone like a personal trainer isn't for the workout plans (mostly), it's for the motivation.

I know how much I'm sounding like one of those weight loss shows. You know, where the person is like "Boo hoo, I don't know how I got to this size, nothing I do is my fault!" Sometimes, I can't stand those people in those things but I guess I can say I'm seeing a glimpse on their side of the argument. Although hell if I have anything on their argument. For instance, today I was talking to my aunt about BMI and she said, "Huh, I thought you were under the normal range." I'm definitely not, but it made me realize a little about how we view ourselves. I'm not big, but I still have insecurities. Mostly, I've just been feeling marshmallowy from a lack of muscle, and that's a sucky feeling.

So, my plan is to start doing something in the strength training realm. I'm going to try and make a boot camp type thing up for myself, and I'll keep y'all updated. If no updates, you'll know I'm being a lazy ass.

Well that's what's been on my mind lately. I'll try to be more entertaining tomorrow.

What habits do you need to start working on?

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