Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sorta Like A Horror Movie... Except Not Really Threatening

I'd like you to think about any horror movie with a shower scene. I'm not talking about some dirty scene, but where scary stuff happens. We all know the classic example with Psycho, and the chocolate syurp stab feast. (In case you didn't know, Hitchcock used chocolate syrup for blood in that movie because you couldn't tell what color it was. Fun fact. 90% sure I know what I'm talking about. Anywho.) Back to my point, horror movies love to point out horrific things happening in showers. In the Grudge, a freakin' hand starts crawling out of the back of Sarah Michelle Gellar's head for a split second. Other than that, I don't know a lot about horror movies, but I do know that showers are breeding grounds for nightmares.

For me, I've always been a little creeped out showers. If you get soap in your eyes, you are temporarily blind, and anything can get you. When I was younger I would make sure I got all of the shampoo off of me as soon as I could, just so I wouldn't have much of a chance of being caught blind.

Fortunately, none of that was on my mind for my shower today. I turned the water off, turned around, looked up...
And was greeted by this thing dangling above my head.

Thankfully, I didn't have to spend anymore time in the shower so I bolted out of there. It may not look so creepy, but image that hanging directly over your head. It's about as long as my nose. Eugh.

Oh, and it's still there. Not really sure what to do about it, but I need to deal with it before I shower again, eh?

What type of horror movie situation has always freaked you out in real life?

1 comment:

  1. I can't do horror movies...at all. I get WAY too skittish. But I worked at a camp for three summers and definitely became well-acquainted with all-manner of strange insect in the showers.

    It's amazing what desperation will do to a girl.
