Saturday, May 28, 2011

Crazy Theatre Productions, Lack of Sleep and Family Graduations

Have you ever read the Greek play Lysistrata? Have you ever seen it performed at a college at midnight?

Basically, ridiculousness. The girl next to me received about four lap dances. There was a giant purple dick held up by a stick and a cloth to represent a guy who really needed to get some. Like I said: Ridiculous.

Attending last night's show made me get four hours of sleep. Result? Two car-ride induced naps. Ah...

It's been a long day really. My cousin graduated from law school, AMAZING!

Just been hanging out, eating food, driving, and watching my cousin graduate. Now... we relax.

What's the craziest theater production you've ever seen?

1 comment:

  1. Lady, basically no play I've ever seen has been as strange as that!

    But, I will say that the worst play I ever saw was Little Women. It just didn't really translate to the stage.
