Sunday, May 29, 2011

Housing Advice, A Lot of Food, and Nothing Days

Sometimes there are those days where you're not really sure what happened... yet it's already 11.

For the past few days, I've been scourging the Internet for places to live. I've been looking through Roommates wanted sections of things, and I've found some interesting prospects. Some have been iffy, some have seemed stiff, and some have seemed pretty good. Tomorrow I meet with one of the potential housing situations. Asking for advice from family for housing brings you many different views and opinions, which tend to be conflicting views. For instance I ask my sister about one ad that states the other tenants are, "clean and responsible." She thinks they sound like they have a stick up their you know what. Same advertisement to my mom? They sound completely perfect. I know that it's all my opinions, which is what I ended up going with in the end, but all of the different views make me confused.

Ooof. Whenever my family gets together, food becomes like rabbits and multiplies. Willpower? Not somethimg I have. Gotta work on it.

In other news, saw the fourth Pirates today. It was alright, but not critically acclaimed film. Plus the religious guy in the film? Gorgeous.

Sure there's no school tomorrow, but I'm not ready for the school week! It feels like it's already here.

Who do you get housing advice from?

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