Monday, May 16, 2011

Disappearing Pants and The Hypocritical Situation

This morning I awoke to find my pajama pants had disappeared. Naturally, I was confused. I ended up finding them later in the day, but this has gotten my to finally realize that yes, my pajama pants are too big.
It's not that I've gotten smaller though. It's just one of those things where the elastic has stretched out from over wearing them. Bah.

Instead of talking about a thing I've learned from fictional characters, today I'll be talking about things I've learned due to the influences from the women in my life.
  1. Women are hypocritical, plus they contradict themselves like crazy and
  2. No matter how much you doubt it, you will probably have many similarities to your parents.
I bring this subject up due to what I was talking about yesterday. Yes, I was worrying about money, but I was still in the mindset of, "It's my responsibility, I will pay for it." And I still am. Therefore, when my mom started texting me today about paying for my things, of course I shot it down with that mindset. Is it pride? Perhaps, but as soon as I started refusing, I realized something: I'm becoming my mother more and more.

Let's come up with an example, shall we? Say that I'm talking to my mom about a car. She'll start out by saying something like, "I don't know if I can even afford this car that we're driving now." With that, I'll start talking about savings or something. She'll instantly say something like, "Oh, we're perfectly fine on money! I don't know why you worry so much." You see that contradiction? How she talks about everything. Now I do the exact same thing.
It's not only habits like that that I've seen picked up. Other habits are my sister's habits, which I occasionally dabble in as well. My mom will quote things like crazy. She ends up sending me random texts that are something she heard that she thought was funny. Guess who does the exact same thing, but to a much more extreme level?
My sister. I've gotten many bizarre quotes (that are from things we both love) through mostly text, even through phone calls. Such as:
  • Winning!
  • It was my twin.
  • Brought your favorites!
  • Heeeeeeeeeeey brother.
  • Who is this hermano?!?!
Ridiculous. As for the women contradicting themselves, I've seen this happen all of the time. A classic version of this has been, "Oh my gosh, you're so skinny!" and then dissing themselves while they're the exact same size. I've seen women say, "That's not healthy" to something you're eating while they eat a doughnut. Gossiping can be a contradiction in some situations! Women are crazy. I should know, I am one.

This day just was a study study day. Oof. Well, not much else to say. Night!

Are you similar to one of your parents? Or are you extremely different?

1 comment:

  1. I'm very much like both of my parents but in very different ways.
