Thursday, May 26, 2011

Busy Little Things, Baking for Bribery and Positive Influences

Today, because I did not have any actual classes, was thought to be a very chill, relaxed day. That was before I actually started the day. Now, I am standing here typing this blog post past nine, frazzled and confused that the day is already over.

Fun fact: I spend a lot of my time on the computer standing up while it sits at typing level on my pillow. My bed is very elevated.

It hasn't been work that has been taking up my time, it's simply been things. So many things! Hopping from one thing to another. Still, when I'm out of school I'll probably look at this time and think, "Wow, I had so much time back then."

Oh, I happened to see my aunt today! She was doing a presentation at my school for the day, and so we went to lunch. It was quite lovely. Some people of insanely positive. She is one of them. Being around her makes me realize that perhaps college has made me more cynical. Good thing or bad thing? Will it help me against the world more? I cannot say.

The day included baking as well. Tomorrow is my project, (which I'm still not sure how that's going to turn out), and she said bribing is a good thing. Betty Crocker cake mixes happened to be made in the forties too, which is just a bonus.

Cupcakes and other things in the community fridge. I worry about their safety.
Time to get ready for what tomorrow throws at me.

Are you busier on your busy days in college, or are you busier on your busy days of work?

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