Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Posting Schedule

You may have noticed that I didn't write up a post yesterday. Yeah. So much for my write a post everyday goal.
However, I will (try) to post everyday continuing on as usual.

Why wasn't there a post yesterday? Well, there was a lack of planning for one thing. Another thing is, lately I haven't really known anything good to write about. Heck, I might have not known what to write about tonight if not for missing yesterday. Besides, I was having a mini breakdown by the time I got home at midnight, so writing a blog post was not on my mind. (My schedule was off, my mind went into a frenzy of things I'm not doing right... It wasn't pretty).

It's like a diet. If you fall off the horse, you're not just going to go pig out because you messed up. You get back on that horse! Then again, it's a freaking blog. Not a big deal.

In other news, just came back from a family friend's wedding. It was really lovely, in a vineyard. Also one of the shortest ceremonies I've ever seen. Honestly, it was about ten minutes long. Wild.

That's really all I have to say right now!

Do you have a specific posting schedule? What do you do when you have trouble completing it?

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