Friday, September 30, 2011

Changing Expectations and Roommates

It looks like it's going to be just a tad bit later of a night for me. Yes, I'm very dependent on a sleep schedule, sue me.

The week is coming to a close, and I'm glad. As you might realize, I am so ready for the weekend. For now, I just need to finish up this assignment that's due tomorrow.

It's funny how things sometimes just don't turn out the way we think they will. I say this because I am surprisingly understanding Economics quite well. Then again, we'll see when it comes time to the first test. Hoo boy.
The one class that I thought would be fantastic for me, but isn't turning out so great is my Human Physiology class. The thing is, I work really well with textbooks. Now I'm not bashing on the fact that I was able to save money by not getting a textbook, but here's the thing. Our homework is pretty much "look up the information. I'm not really going to talk about anything useful in class, except how exercise=good." Well, that's how the first few classes have been. I am not amused. Plus, I'm very type A. I like to have structure, and this is not it. Welp, what can you do?

The rooming situation... it's weird. My original idea was that I could become friends with my room mates. Have connections. Um... yeah, probably not going to happen. I can barely get a word out of either of them, let alone a conversation. And that's not just because they hardly know English, it's because it's just awkward talking to them.
I'm also pretty much positive that they're in a relationship. Why? Well, for one thing, last night he went into her room and didn't come out again until the next day. Just sayin'. I'm just glad I haven't heard noises.
But tonight? Tonight was weird. I think they were having a fight. I had no idea what they were saying of course, but I heard Lu's tone of voice... Not sounding very happy. So it's just weird.

What's a weird rooming situation you've had? When have things changed from your original expectations? Was it for the better, or worse?

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