Sunday, July 3, 2011

Awkward Looking Running Gear and Summer Homework

Ooh, I am tired! But let's continue.

What do you get when you take fruit snacks....

And you add running shorts with a front pocket?

You get what looks like lady junk. It's hard to tell from the picture, but it looks... well, ridiculous.

Long run today, meaning that pretty much my energy was drained for the rest of the day. Also, because I'm quite intelligent, I decided to run during the hours in which the sun is at its peak. Yeah, after the million times I've said that I'll never do that again... Here we are.

One of the things about having school during the summer means homework during the summer. I haven't had much, but today I needed to work on my part of a group project. I started it hours ago. I'm still working on it. Goodness.

Oh, and fireworks were purchased today. Don't worry, we'll be repping our patriotism for sure.

I have to finish up my project, but I'll see y'all tomorrow!

What's the weirdest exercise clothes has made you look?

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